Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don’t stand in your own way.

Here is the conversation between God and a young man
several years ago. God told the young man to build a
better world. “How can this be, God, knowing that the
world is such a vast place and so complicated.

I am so small where could I possibly start? God in his wisdom
replied: “start by building a better you because charity
begins at home”

Dear reader, please know that your biggest enemy is you.
Dwilight L. moody once said “I have never met a man who
has given me as much trouble as myself” the first and
greater victory is to conquer you.

I have discovered that very often, a change of self is needed
more than a change of situation. Please hear this; the only
person who can hold you back in life is you. You are the
only one who can stand in your way.

A wise man says that a man’s enemies are members of his
own household. People who want to shy away from their
responsibilities will always misinterpret that proverb.
That word of wisdom simply says that you are your own enemy.

If you can get yourself out of your own way, everything else will move.

The greatest battle in life are the ones we fight internally.
There are always two forces warring against each other inside you.
One says you can’t while the other says you can.

One says “it is impossible while the other says all things are possible.
Choose to go with that force within you that keeps saying you can.
Choose to obey that voice that keeps urging you to take a step of faith.

Dear readers, stop building a case against yourself.
A wise man once commented that you are simply a
reflection of your dominant thoughts.

Therefore, stop putting water in your own boat.
The greatest deceit in life is self-deceit. I know it is in
your heart to make the world a better place. Start by
making yourself the best you can possibly be. Reach as
far as you can possibly go. Live your life in such a way
that others are compelled to emulate you.

Together we can build a better world by building better selves.

Work on your character, your attitude and your relationships.

If you want to live in a better world, then , change YOU.

As you go out today, make sure you do not build a case
against yourself. Do not stand in your own way. Keep working
on yourself and see everything around you begin to respond

It is well with you.

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