Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Are You Afraid Of Failure?

I have observed with keen interest how most people tremble at the sound of the seven-letter word called FAILURE.

Failure as a word seems to torment people so much that its sound spells disaster to many. And because of the above, some fear failure and see it as their enemy therefore they avoid it as much as possible and do everything strategically possible not to ever come in contact with failure.

Some misunderstand failure. They see failure as an event. They see it as final while some other see it as a stigma. That is to say that they think once they fail, it marks them permanently.

May I let you know that failure is not a permanent marker. It doesn’t stick with you forever.

You might have failed at attempting certain things but then when success or victory comes, your past failures will be totally forgotten that reminds me of a story I read years back. It was an incident that took place in Lebanon, a desert country.

There was a great drought and getting water to drink and take care of their animals became a Herculean task but a young man named Musa dared all odds and decided to provide water for his people.

The only option he had was to dig dip into the earth to find water. Musa assembled a group of like minded young people and they began to dig. This adventure continued for over six months and yet this group of determined young men still had not found water.

They were ridiculed, called all sorts of names and the elders told them they were practicing juvenile madness. They were undaunted and they continued with the adventure.

And the faithfully day came after bought eight months of rigorous digging that water began to gush out.

Guess what happened? Everyone who had called Musa and his all sorts of names began to cheer them. One elder in particular who spear headed their criticism remarked “Musa, I know you would succeed the way you were going and I had always believed you are a young man capable of making great things happen”

You see, it doesn’t matter how many times you have failed in life, failure can not permanently mark you except you allow it.

Stop running from failure. Is it not better for you to make all the mistakes you have to right now so that you can become better?

As I close today, I want you to know that failure is not too bad if you don’t allow it to attack your heart and success too is great if you don’t allow it to attack your head.

Go out today and give that project another trial.

Don’t ever give up.

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