Monday, February 16, 2009

Do you set goals? - Part 1

A study was conducted with the Yale graduating class of 1953. they surveyed all students asking them if they had written goals for their lives.

The following amazing results were gotten:

30% had put their goals in writing
97% had not written them down or had none at all!

Twenty years later, these same people were interviewed and it was discovered that the 3% who had written goals had 10 times the incomes of the other 97% who had no written goals combined. There is no doubt about it. Goal setting works. May it interest you that no dream can become reality except it is written . A dream is merely a wish until it is converted to a goal.

Having said that, what is a goal? A goal is the documented ongoing pursuit of a worthy objective until accomplished. Goals keep you focused and helps in making your vision a reality. Success in life is impossible without you developing the discipline and habit of setting goals. You must also couple your goal-setting habit with putting in place machineries that will enhance the actualization of your goals.

Goal setting helps you to make a wise use of your time. We all know that footballers, for example will waste all of their time and effort if they decide to play without goal posts. A lot of people in life have been playing the game of life without goal posts, no wonder only a few who set goals have been scoring goals.

It is possible to change the course of your life in the coming months and get your dreams actualized if you act on what you are reading now.

In order to set realistic and worthwhile goals, you need to ask yourself the following questions;

What do I want in life?
What is my reason for living?
How well do I want to live my life?
How much money do I want to make?
How much am I ready to save and invest?

These are some examples of questions you need to ask yourself at the beginning of the goal setting exercise. Now you need to provide answers to those questions.

Having provided answers to the questions, we will now talk on the next thing to do in the next edition of this daily motivation.

So, pick up your pen and paper right now and do that and then we can continue.

It is well.

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